About me

 What am I Then?
I have been a practicing pagan for over 30 years. I worked with a MicMac Medicine man for 10 years. What I practice is loosely shamanism. I work with a “Celtic” European flavor, in order to remain truer to myself as well as to minimize possible offense to Native Americans.
I am qualified to do ceremonies, for example:
Fasting/vision questing
Talking Circle
Medicine Wheel/ Circle of Art
Making and using sacred spiritual objects (drums, rattles, pipe, etc)
I have worked with two ‘Grandmothers’: one MicMac, the other Northern Cree. From these ladies I learned such things as:
Wild Food harvest and preservation,
Tanning of hides, (moose, deer, rabbit, bear, etc)
Making hide\leather clothing
Making baskets
Living in the bush/woods in a “camp” in winter and summer
MicMac sea lure
Cree bush lure 
My mother was a hedge-witch or mountain-witch. So I have worked with natural medicines all my life. I acquired further immersion in natural/plant/ herbal medicines through my work with the Medicine man and the grandmothers. I have also spent some time collaborating with a botanist, along with continuous and ongoing personal study and research.
I am a practicing Reiki Master.
I do various types of energy healing
Relaxation therapy
A daily image:  My back yard, the shed and my sweat.

    Me with Baby Monster in Jan. She is now pork chops, and I sure miss her. I loved her!

The barn from the kitchen window march 2010. 

      The barn from the kitchen window April 25 2011!

                                                                             My medicine closet. I picked and put up all these medicines.  

                  Its name is -30c because I found him one feb morning when it was -30c, hes a big chicken now..........
well he became a big rooster.
Till he spurred 2 slashed on my daughter face, then she  beheaded him. 
                   Another One of the roosters.    He was well behaved, and lived a good long life.

     Me milking Isabelle late fall 2010.  
My Cows name was Honeysuckle, we called her Huny. She left us because of a great many life complications for both of us.  I will one day get a picture of us together posted here.
Isabelle and I did not know each other long enough to become friends.

 Milk from two days, I had just skimmed the cream off to make butter.
  Fresh butter and clabber.
My dear friend Bodecca


 I have moved on. 
and then I fell over.

 Bodecca is still my dear friend, her and her last daughter moved on with me, also 8 of the older hens. Two of which are now an amazing 12 years old!!   I declared bankruptcy, so that all my supporters/lenders could claim their insurance money.  

I have moved into a house made out of strawbales, completely off grid/ I have only solar power. It is in the midst of a struggling 'intentional community" I too am still learning what that is, I am quite sure I did not agree to any of the nonsense that is going on now.
The near future I hope will find me moving again. This out of the fire.

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